Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wash Wash & Wash Some More

Housework. Such an UGLY word…a bit like "frugal" and “cutting back” or “full retail” – all words guaranteed to send a shiver of horror through any self respecting girlie girl. I am such a girl. And shiver I do when these words are bandied about.

Let’s take housework. Mine seems to be bloody endless lately, might have something to do with the fact that I’ve had to let my cleaner go because of the other ugly words I mentioned, “frugal” and “cutting back”.

Might also have something to do with the fact I have three poochies, two teenage boys and a large blokie husband along with two bathrooms, a large kitchen (well loved and much used now that takeaways & eating out are no longer in the budget…), polished wooden floors, vintage treasures for Africa, (I am a COLLECTOR you understand, NOT a hoarder…) all of which need dusting, mopping and vigorous scrubbing (especially the teenage boys) on a regular basis. And then there’s the never decreasing, ever present, Mt Vesuvius like washing pile. I mean FAAAAAARK – there’s only four of us – where does it all come from!!?? I am starting to suspect the kids have rented their rooms out to small Asian communities and we are doing all their laundry as well as ours. The more I think about it, the more weight the theory carries – it explains the volume of laundry and it also explains the god awful mess in the boys rooms 99% of the time.

Anywhoooo, suffice to say I am not enjoying this return to manual labour bought about by tough economic times, and the first thing that will be reinstated when I earn some damn money this year will be my lovely cleaner… I love clean organised space but the having to maintain that clean organisation is already wearing thin and I feel certain the universe does not mean for me to clean my own loo for too much longer , I mean, I am a Princess afterall…

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