You may remember Roger, the lying white box in the bathroom more commonly known as scales. Well, he is up to his old tricks - yelling out things I'd rather not hear. In all truth, he has really just confirmed my worst fears - the non diet and exercise approach is not working. I cannot for the life of me understand why, it sounded like the perfect system from where I was sitting but alas, my fat cells disagreed and not only dug their toes in to stay put, but the little bastards multiplied while I was spread out on the couch enjoying yet another cooking programme. How rude.
Now that could have continued unchecked for who knows how long, but luckily for me (and unluckily for them) I spotted the dress, in the pic above, in a magazine recently and fell madly in love - with the dress that it. Although if I was batting for the other team, the girl wearing it is not exactly a fugly either just quietly...
So, the beautiful stick creature in the beautiful dress and fabulous boots just struck the right cord with me and, unbelievably, I was so inspired I took myself off and joined a gym. Scott is also having trouble with Roger and has joined along with me. He has a long and distinguished history as a gym goer, so it's not terribly noteworthy that he has joined and is attending the gym. It was good of me to mention it at all really, but i am a sport like that...
Now ME on the other hand, I would normally prefer to scoop my own eyeballs out with a blunt spoon than do anything that would require enough physical effort to cause me to perspire (I am a princess afterall) so it is quiteTHE event, this gym joining of mine. What's even more astonishing is that I am going regularly and (I can hardly believe it myself) actually really loving it.
You may also remember that in our house we have a second language known only to the Murray's (lets call it Muzzaleese from now on). Well, the new term coined for those of us doing all this gym visiting is "fleets", a bastardised version of Athletes. Just so you know.
So I figure with a couple of less chocolate bars a week and my new "fleet" status and behaviour, I will resemble the twig woman in no time - at least I'd better, somehow I don't think the dress will look quite as attractive on a small round, pudgy woman with shoulders that put the All Black prop's to shame...
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