As a Libran, swift and painless decision making is not part of my psyche. We are known for our waffling indecisiveness in every given situation requiring a choice, be it something as small and inconsequential as choosing a breakfast cereal or brand of tea (having said that, substandard tea is a serious business so this decision should perhaps be upgraded to one of life’s more serious choices?...I don’t know, I can’t quite decide...I'll sleep on this one and get back to you....) through to larger, life changing matters such as which black handbag to purchase, how to cut ones hair this month, whether to keep husband number two, and what you spend your day to day working life doing. Every now and then, the universe looses patience with this dilly dallying and takes matters into it’s own hands. I feel just such a situation has occurred recently...I will explain...
After several years in real estate, almost all of which involved struggling with a variety of challenges including being one of a handful of girlies in a heavily male dominated industry , the misconception that because you have boobs and ovaries and no penis, you can’t possibly do the job as well as the blokes, dealing with arrogant, pompous and pretentious individuals who operate under the misconception that because they own a building or two, they are 18 notches up the food chain compared to the rest of us, a full blown global financial crisis, the worst market in a twenty year real estate history (according to the silver backs who have been in the business that long...) a couple of particularly toxic work colleagues AND going months on end at times, without seeing a red razzoo for your efforts - things came to a head. The universe backed me into a corner and I felt, for the sake of what little sanity I had left, it was time to call it a day. It simply was not working for me, I wasn’t enjoying it and I certainly wasn’t enjoying the constant lack of funds (I am a Princess after all – lord knows we need money and plenty of it) and as much as I kick, scream, eye gouge and foot stamp the minute you mention change, it was definitely time to move on.
A quick investigation of the job market confirmed there was some truth to the rumour I’d heard...there were places you could go to work and you actually get paid. Every day. Just for showing up! It was a wild and crazy idea and I needed a moment to get my head around it after nearly five years on commission only, but crikey, I LIKED it! So. I decided I was going to go and find one of these paid job thingamee’s and enjoy a little less pressure in my life.
As luck would have it, there was a position advertised that sounded like a bit of me, so off I go to sign up with a recruitment agency so that I can apply. “You’ll be perfect!” they say. “A shoe in!” I’m thinking “GREAT! – when do I start??”...Well, there’s just the matter of a little test before we can put you forward. Don’t worry, they’re a piece of cake, all stuff you do every day...
They lied. It is NOT a piece of cake, it is NOT like doing what you do every day in a normal working situation – it is more like being asked to perform everyday tasks with your elbow glued to your torso, a blind fold, random shocks from the electric collar they fit you with all whilst hoping on one leg, singing the Chinese national anthem AND applying a much needed coat of paint to the side of the house. Suffice to say, it was highly stressful. In spite of that, I managed to pass, land the role and now find myself ensconced in a very pleasant little job, working with a lively bunch that I like, and still trying to get my head around the fact I get paid for every single hour that I am there... a truly wonderous thing. All I’ve got left to say on the matter is "Thank you universe" - I'm glad you're not a Libran :-)
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