I've recently had the privilege of sharing my home and a wonderful long weekend with a group of very dear friends. We ate and drank too much, stayed up too late every night, all of which wreaked havoc with the old body clock and my often fragile headspace, but it was well worth a bit of readjustment and "crazyness management" the following week to have spent the time the way we did. We joked that after weekends like this, we'd been "re-souled". So true.
Then there's the replies to the Beltaine Birthday bash invites - more wonderful people coming from far and wide and a chance to catch up with those that mean the most to me. People who have scratched together expensive travel costs to be here, people who have reshuffled schedules and life committments to make it here on the day.
Its no secret to some of those people that the last 18 months have been the most challenging, and at times, traumatic, of all my 40 odd years on this planet. Very few even know all the why's and wherefore's of those challenges, they just know it's been a tough time and have stood beside me just the same. Its heartwarming, its healing and more than a little humbling. There's a lot a love comes my way. So this is one of my more serious posts, no glib words or flip jokes, just a moment of thanks and appreciation for those I'm lucky enough to count as friends. Xxx
I Love You
Thank you my darling, I love you back xxx
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