Well, sadly the holiday at home with the aussies is nearly at an end, I can't believe they have been here for over two weeks, it has flown by. I've kept it quite tidy (I am a Princess afterall - too much drunken debauchery is most unseemly and not befitting someone of my rank...) but as for the rest of them, well all I can say is the breweries will see a sharp decline in their alcohol sales and the only thing that flowed faster than the plonk was the rain. Scott's liver will be grateful the aussies are on a plane tomorrow but the rest of him (and me for that matter) will mourn their departure. It has been a blast.
Both of my birthday parties (yes, I had two) were outstanding. The first was meant to be a quiet family dinner but quickly turned into an impromptu party of the most special kind. The highlight was the YMCA dance towards the very end of the night - not sure what the new neighbours thought of it seeing as how it was full volume, 1 in the morning and a Monday night, but hey, they are gonna have to get used to that sort of thing if they are survive living next door to us...
The planned party was all fairy lights, candles, outdoor fires and very very magical - thank the gods for that - I bought enough candle lanterns to sink a small ship - there would've been big trouble if it was anything LESS than magical! The rain managed to stop momentarily and Scott accidentally spelt I love (with a heart) U with the fairy lights in the hedge. He tried to take full credit and say he planned it but we saw him on the roof of the shed throwing the lights willy nilly at the hedge so didn't quite buy it. Still, was a nice touch even if it was by accident...
All in all an awesome couple of weeks, special times, special friends, we are blessed indeed. I have reminded Scott however that it doesn't quite end here, I still have a couple of weeks left of my birthday month (yes, I have a whole month) so collapsing on the couch for a rest will have to wait at least another fortnight. I am a Princess afterall...
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