It has come to my attention that there is an item known most commonly as the Snuggle Sack. I know this because some poor misguided girly at work has purchased one - yes, you know who you are...What is a Snuggle Sack you may ask? Well, it is essentially a ghastly polar fleece blanket with eye holes and arms. Think "the hills have eyes".
It only seems to come in one colour - dishwater grey. You know the shade - its color of the water in the sink after the dishwasher broke down the night you had 14 guests for dinner and you had to actually DO the dishes by hand. I don't know which is more disturbing, the snuggle sack, the colour of said snuggle sack or the thought of having to manually wash dishes, they're horrific concepts in equal proportions for this Princess, but I think the Snuggle Sack wins by a smidge.
Now, no doubt the inventor of this little spinster making gem thought it was a BRILLIANT idea. We all love to wrap ourselves in a blanky on a cold winters night, but for the love of GOD, creating an outfit out of the concept is just all wrong. Fashionista's the world over are still rubbing their burning eyes...
"Snuggle Sack" brings to mind cuddling in a bed, preferably with another human. I can assure you, wear one of these and there will be no cuddling of any description, human or otherwise. You will be lucky if you can get the cat to sit on your knee. Aside from being ugly clean through to the bone, the fabric does not meet with the minimum royal standard of 600 thread count or better...so no, no matter how chilly or drafty it gets in the royal residence, I think this is one purchase I can safely avoid.
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