Given my complete lack of tolerance for virtually anything resembling delay or waiting, I was rather proud of how patiently I waited for Alice and Wonderland to hit our theatres. The day finally arrived and my girlfriend and I trotted off leaving the boys at home to talk about motorbikes and other smelly, unprincess-like boy things. I’m not sure what I was more excited about, the Tim Burton feast for the eyes masterpiece we were about to see, or the choc covered ice creams unique to picture theatres. It’s still too close to call so we’ll leave that be. The movie was stunning, I loved everything about it, but I was especially enamored of the red Queen. “Off with his head” is the perfect solution to many a problem, I can’t understand why it is illegal… I wonder if they will let me put it on my business cards at the office? It would have come in especially handy with the Aussie pay masters recently. And with my daughters ex boyfriend, yes, especially him. Oh, and girl at the movie theatre who didn’t put enough salt on the popcorn. But I digress, the Queen, what a girl! The scary transvestite make-up might have been a bit off putting for some people, but having had Helen Clarke as Prime Minister for many a year past, we are used to that sort of thing in NZ and it didn’t phase me in the least. The woman is positively inspirational, the Red Queen that is, not Helen... so much so that I have decided to upgrade myself from Princess to Queen for a day in her honor. No need to bow or curtsey, but please make sure you have the right amount of salt of any food being served, it would be a shame to lose your head over something so simple…
1 comment:
My darling Queen, may I speak...I think its only fair to point out that Helena Bonham Carter is actually a true blue blooded godess like yourself... So therefore there is perfect reason for you to feel such a connection. xx
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